The Votergram Revelation


Government bureaucrats, public servants and contractors are paid and resourced by your taxes to deliver good, honest and fair government services and infrastructure for your money.


We elect MPs to Parliament and once elected Parliament is there to direct the bureaucrats, public servants and contractors to deliver those services and infrastructure that you need and want.

But in order to deliver to you and yours, the services you need and want, each Parliamentarian needs to know from you personally what you want and understand why. . Nobody can speak on your behalf to tell them, for they would not know whether that person had your authority or agreement. You must personally tell them if you want it done! You can easily and cheaply do that by Votergram. It is like sowing seeds of ideas in Parliament and works just like the parable of the sower.

By majority decision the parliament will generally do what is wanted by most people who give good honest reasons.

You and other voters

The careers of Members of Parliament and political parties depend on the votes of you and other voters. Every few years you can re-elect or replace them. That particularly applies when you vote in a marginal electorate or influence the votes of voters in a marginal electorate.

If you and those who think like you do not tell every MP what you want there are two outcomes:

1 The Parliament will not know what you want and will instead listen to what other  voters  like big business  executives and rich political donors, ask for.

2 You will not be supporting your local MP who might speak in Parliament after meeting with you to seek the very things you need and want. If you have asked your local MP to raise something and you have also asked every other MP, then your local MP is far more likely to be supported by other MPs.

Credit for the result

This way the Members of Parliament can justly receive the credit for achieving what you have asked for and explained. MPs deserve that reward to counter the constant media criticism that they have to endure. If you then send a “Thank You” Votergram they are sure to give you top priority next time you want something

It is a far nicer way of achieving your goal than protesting publicly and making the MPs look stupid, for they may do what you want but next time they may well resent you for humiliating them and may ignore you.

Greg Bloomfield,
The Votergram Man

How can Christians stop violent men attacking women?

Suggest Solutions
In Australia suggesting solutions to each and every Member of each and every Parliament by Votergram is a good start

Polite Persistent Political Persuasion in the Privacy of Parliament has been Proven to Pay off as the best Path to Progress.

If you leave violence against women to somebody else,  it will never stop! Individual voters have the most power, not their non-voting organisations or protest marches. Thinking that an individual is powerless is a serious mistake since Votergrams came into being 38 years ago

It is your vote that empowers your voice!

Your vote + your voice = political power. It needs to be used strategically. If you will not use your vote to stop violence against women then your voice is as a whisper in the wind – of no consequence at all. Votergrams help you speak up persuasively. That is how democracy works.

Then monitor what individual MPs and Parties do and vote in the next election in your electorate on what your candidates and their parties have done about violent men and violence against women.

If nothing has been done to stop it, you can effectively campaign in one of the many marginal state and federal electorates held by less than 10% to elect different MPs who will stop it.

That is how democracy works!

MPs are your greatest  allies

Despite the media image of them, most MPs are very helpful and keen to solve problems. On the issue of violence towards women, many men are very happy with their violence and abuse against women, because other men would not tolerate it and mostly have the strength and aggression not fight back. Men hold just as many votes as women and politicians are aware that many men do not want the violence which gives them power, to be curtailed.

Women physically, mentally and emotionally have not the strength or aggression to fight back. They are mostly loving caring people. Frequently they do not want the men to be stopped by force , but to change themselves. Perhaps it is not the nature of the male animal to do that. So the violent men need to be stopped with whatever works. Votergrams giving all MPs your idea work well because parliament is a voting forum and the majority always rules.

Votergrams work well for those prepared to put in the time, effort and a small amount of money to cover the cost.

Christ gives us the clues to stop madness massacres

We need better mental health services and only you can make it happen. Votergrams have been modelled on Christ’s teachings – the parable of the sower and good Samaritan story for two but we have followed many more of His teachings.

You will have ideas of how to stop a repeat of the Bondi knife attacks and shooting. In Australia and the US we have seen horrific mass murders by disturbed individuals. Our elected representatives do not know all the answers and whatever they do they get criticised in the media for it. So they need your input and your encouragement to act on what you suggest.

Give them solutions, not problems. How to deal with serious mental illnesses. Votergrams are the key to good government. You can have a huge influence on Australian society by just expressing your views to the decision-makers. Politicians are the foundations of democratic society and our experience is that they are very helpful and caring when approached in the right way. Votergrams are the right way because there is no party politics and every MP is given an equal chance to help.

Welcoming immigrants means meeting their needs as well as ours.

Welcome involves services

Politicians cannot bring in 737,000 migrants into Australia and not understand that in addition to our own natural increase, those migrants will need homes to live in, schools, hospitals, roads transport, food, clothing, police, courts and welfare services. That surge in demand stretches resources and increases prices. Makes Aussies homeless, forces cost of living up as more people want the same goods and services. That blunts the welcome for those new to Australia

Who knows what you need?

You know what is needed because you live in the community. We voters need to guide government to do what is needed. We pay and elect our MPs but they need our guidance as we know daily what we need. They cannot know unless we tell them. Your local MP (one in 225 for Federal and 1 in 100 for state) has no chance of influencing what is done because in Parliament the majority rules. Your Votergram reaches every MP in the parliament. It can reach every MP in every parliament.

If you don’t, others will!

If you do not help us tell parliament what you need, others like big business, banks, miners will tell them and bully them into doing what make billions for those businesses

Please do your bit, join, free and free of any party politics and help guide government to run our society in a sensible, fair way. Government for the people needs government BY the people. Let’s work together on it.

If we don’t, we, our parents, children and grandchildren will suffer along with us.

Greg Bloomfield

Time to tackle taxes

Concerned about the Cost of Living Crisis; skyrocketing home mortgages; interest rates?

You can persuade politicians to guide government to tax the highest earning  taxpayers more highly than lower earning taxpayers.

For decades Australians have joined Voters and  used Votergrams  to persuade politicians and guide government to do what the voters want.

Individual taxpayers pay 32.5% on every dollar over $45,000; 37% over $120,000; 45% over $180,000 plus 10% GST.

Big public company taxpayers pay a flat  25% on multi-billion dollar earnings and get their GST back

Voters control political careers.

Voters and Votergrams enable you to persuade politicians to  do what is fair to you!

Those who remain silent cannot be heard so suffer neglect in silence.

Demonstrate in the nicest of ways, what you want done.

Educate your elected representatives about your needs.

Millions  want different things. Government can’t please all, but can please you.

One poor person has the same voting power  as one rich person.

Convincing politicians is a game changer for individual voters .

Remember that MPs are your  “Representatives”, not your leaders.

Aim for government Action. It mostly prefers to talk, discuss, confer and defer.

Challenging the status quo requires strategic thinking and communication.

Representation works on numbers. Majority, not fairness or justice, rules.

You can move metaphorical mountains the Votergram way if it is WJWD .

Immigration, child protection, mental health needs a new approach

Talk is cheap and easy

I am amazed that so many people are calling for Royal Commissions into issues. The Royal Commission into Banks has not made any great difference to the way banks exploit customers. In retaliation for the Royal Commission, the big banks subsequently had a regulation put through federal parliament preventing serious skilled and experienced negotiators from helping home buyers who were battling banks.


When the banks start selling homebuyers up for non-payment of loans as interest rates rise and jobs become scarcer, those home buyers will only be able to call on expensive lawyers, members of the AFCA moneylenders club,  or bank-funded counsellors. Their most effective remedy will be to use their Votergram Voices to report their bank to federal Parliament and seek Parliament’s very effective assistance.

Mental Illness

The same applies to mental health services which are hopeless to say the least. Of course there are better solutions to Mental Health care. They will be better and faster implemented if the people who already know the solutions form an action group, confer on the options and pick the best, then use their Votergram Voices to have the changes implemented now, rather than being talked about for the next decade.

Child abuse

Children are being abused at home by their parents, step-parents and by some foster parents. Parents in Indigenous communities are still complaining about having their children “stolen”. Of course there are better solutions. Again those with the solutions need to get together, confer, put the solutions out and find the ones that 80% of them agree on and get those implemented now by using their Votergram Voices.


This is not rocket science. Votergrams have been around for almost four decades.

Where advocates are coming unstuck is that they have no idea of how democracy works in the  23rd century. They have fairly tale images from the 1800’s and those ideas do not apply today.

Votergrams and the FairGO Voterlobby keep on quietly helping people solve their problems while others are demonstrating in the streets and hurling abuse at the very politicians who can solve their problems.

Our society is controlled by a multi sided, multi-dimensional tug-o-war between competing vested interests. Those who pull on the rope with the best technique, strategy, greatest skill and strength, mostly win.

The Votergram Voice, available to every Australian, enables Voters to win most of the time, if their goal is fair and just. Why wouldn’t they? They elect and pay the parliament for exactly that purpose.



The Borrower becomes the lender’s slave – Proverbs

Borrowers ripped off by Billionaire Bankers

Banks knew interest rates would rise. Borrowers did not.

Thousands stand to lose their homes, deposits, repayments, businesses or farms. Banks will patiently wait until they trip up then pounce. Banks collect interest in all those years as they wait. Borrowers slave on to make mainly interest payments.

There are many bank debt solutions for borrowers . If you or someone you know is threatened with foreclosure, or under pressure by the bank, contact us at FairGO  or GBAC for a FREE chat.

We will not be stopped from helping home buyers by the federal Debt Management Services regulation designed to protect dishonest banks from our forensic investigation into their home loan practices.

Banks are earning billions and can afford to stand by customers when  things get tough. They just don’t care!  “Loving your neighbour” or “Good Samaritan the exception rather than the rule.

Bank debt solutions the “Good Samaritan ” gesture

We will help borrowers out within that cruel regulation by the Australian Federal Parliament, as we have done for borrowers all over Australia since federal politicians first de-regulated banks in the late 1980’s, allowing them to rip off customers as the  Royal Commission discovered.

Banks think that their big political donations protect them, but through our GBAC and Votergram services, we have provided Australian voters with more power and influence than voters have in any other democracy in the world. As Normie says “You don’t have to suffer in silence”.

Votergram Voice for all Australians

New voice will not affect Votergram Voices

There has been heavy publicity about the Indigenous Voice and whether it might disadvantage other Australians. I don’t think that will happen at all. Thousands of Australians have used their existing Votergram Voice for nearly 40 years to influence society outcomes and sort out personal problems.  Above is a picture of the hard copy Votergrams of the 1990’s.

Long after my family had invented Votergrams as a way for “Australians to obtain a fair go at the hands of uncaring governments”, I began to understand how democracy works. I learned that it was quite different to what I had previously thought. Parliamentarians do care, but they are not psychic. They need to be told by the individual voters who want something. Votergrams, when launched were an instant success.

How democracy works
Monarchy or dictatorship gives most power and wealth to the monarch or dictator. With the exception of our recent monarchs, most monarchs have had absolute power over citizens. Dictatorships still do. Dictators and monarchs accumulate vast continuing wealth and superb properties and castles for themselves living a life of luxury with many staff to serve them.

Democracy on the other hand seeks to share wealth and pleasure around the people. Never believe the negative garbage wrongly attributed to Winston Churchill about democracy. It is a fabulous system for everyday Australians.  Until very recently we in Australia were a fairly harmonious society with a few notable wealthy exceptions. Today corporate millionaires freely exploit their employees and customers to make multi-billion dollar corporate profits and pay multi-million dollar salaries to themselves, while some of their staff and customers  battle to survive. Foreigners loaded with money are enticed into Australia to out-bid young Australians for homes, turning developers into billionaires and  young Aussies into lifetime renters in their own country, perpetuating their long-term poverty.

Understanding and acting
So why does that happen in our democracy that promises so much? It happens because the vast majority of people living in democracies do not have any idea of the latent power they have and how much it could improve their lives. For that reasons the vast majority of Australians do not do the simple things required to change  and enrich their lives. Those who come to Votergrams soon learn how to do it and they reap the just rewards. In addition, a very small group of very wealthy, aggressive and greedy people know how to make democracy work for them too. These people make it deliver them vast wealth at the expense of the rest of the population. In democracy one gets out of it pretty much what one puts in. Most people put in very little in terms of communicating with their elected parliaments and so get out very little.

Our democratic society is largely controlled by Government. Government is largely controlled by Parliament. Parliament is largely controlled by Voters. Members of Parliament are the only members of the government structure over whom voters have any direct influence. Their careers depend on voters.

But here is the secret
Voters who always vote for the same party regardless of whether or not it does what they want, lose their Voice and influence.

  1. Only individual voters have votes in federal or state elections. An organisation representing 10,000 voters does not get a vote and nor does it mostly influence how its members vote. 10,000 voters have huge political influence, though one may naively think otherwise.
  2. To exercise the power and influence of a voter they must communicate with each and every Member of Parliament. Votergrams make that simple.
  3. They must then politely and persistently persuade the politicians of the benefits of what they want and its full justification. At Votergrams we can help them do that.
  4. To leverage the power and influence that a vote gives to an individual voter, that voter may have to do something else. They may have to use their own voice to gain the support of other voters and in highly exceptional circumstances need to win the support of voters in a marginal electorate.
  5. In short, each voter wanting government to work for them must use their Votergram Voice to “speak quietly and carry a big stick”.

Silent majority can never be heard
But contrary to popular opinion, politicians are extremely helpful to voters with good ideas. Why not? They cannot know the needs of every community or family in the country. They need to be told and they all need to be told nicely. That is how democracy works. It is foolish in the extreme to be offensive to the very people who can solve the problem. Protest is so much last century.  The silent majority are silent by choice. By definition they can never be heard. Ask and you will receive is the applicable message for those who want change, but they must ask in the right way.

Over 30 years ago I ran a Votergram Voice campaign for the Pharmacy industry which was having trouble surviving. Members of Parliament kindly responded with three-year Community Pharmacy Agreements giving the industry $1.5 billion of taxpayer support a year. So far pharmacists have received about $50 billion of taxpayer support through that voice. They seem to be currently confronting the very MPs who have been so generous to them in the past. That is the wrong use of their voices as voters. An attempt at brutal bullying of our representatives.

An effective Voice for those who want it
The voice for every Australian who wants it is the Votergram Voice and it will always be effective for those who use it as I have outlined. It does not depend on government funding so cannot be muzzled.  But the voter sending a Votergram must work hard to persuade the MPs that what is sought is good and fair. Politicians are very much aware of the challenge they face in representing 17 million voters, 26 million people, many of whom have totally different views on any given topic. MPs cannot possibly please all of 17 million voters all of the time. What is good for Australia or good for a voter in need, is what wins their support. We are fortunate to have such people representing us in  Parliament in what has become a largely thankless task. Next time they do what you want, think about thanking them. I wonder how many pharmacists have thanked the parliament for their $1.5 billion of annual support for the past 30 years. School children receiving air conditioning and assembly areas through their Votergram Voices certainly have.

There are plenty of peak bodies lobbying government, but those whose members speak for themselves as well by Votergram, are the ones who win most easily.

A Voice for Victims

“Ask and you will most receive”

Residents Rally
Residents in Queensland have rallied to form an organisation Voice for Victimsqld, to specifically deal with increasing youth  violence by giving Victims a Voice. Sydney is currently in the grips of murderous gangland gun violence and deadly domestic violence. But there are also victims of population neglect in housing, education, health care, pay rates, aged care and family services as well as crime prevention. The two groups may be related. Increased housing density can cause violence and road rage, as people get fractured with each other in such close proximity to so many others. It impacts not only crime but, mental health as well.

Population Services
The federal government adds huge numbers to our population annually on top of our natural increase, without funding state and territory governments to ensure that those people have homes, good education, career training, well paid jobs and parenting training to help their children and teens. Child and family support services have been at crisis point for years but still the huge annual population increases continue. Why? To increase demand for goods and services and decrease wages, mainly to profit Big Business Billionaires and their Multi-millionaire executives.

Our democratic system of government gives us every opportunity to live well, but it requires guidance by voters . Politicians, bureaucrats, public servants and government contractors do not have super-brains to know all the answers or even all the problems, even if they do care at all, which many don’t. The only people in government over which we everyday Australians have any power, are the Members of Parliament who we elect and can easily replace. They can be most helpful.

Giving Guidance
Our governments, state and federal, need and do receive guidance from voters. At present the most active and vocal voters guiding government are a tiny minority of the population, the wealthy Big Business owners, executives and their paid lobbyists. The vast majority of Australians in suburbs, towns and cities, on farms or in remote communities, remain absolutely silent towards government.

The Silent Majority cannot, by definition, be heard. They don’t realise that also causes them to be neglected.  They think that government knows all the answers and wants to help them. Dream on!

The Votergram service enables every single one of those silent Australians and their organisations to have a very effective and influential voice for guiding government. For decades some of them have successfully guided government by Votergram. But with the help of the many who remain silent we could solve many more problems. Votergrams are highly trusted by those who like to work without great fanfare or notoriety. They  use polite persistent political persuasion in the privacy of parliament to achieve their goals. Instead of confrontation this promotes cooperation.

The essence of a  Votergram is that its message is short (100 words max) and is sent personally addressed to each and every Member of the relevant Parliament. Politicians are then honoured for the help they give to the senders. You too can send Votergrams or organise a Votergram Campaign. The problems you raise may be personal or national, local, state or territory related. Parliament can be your greatest ally, if handled correctly.