Words of wisdom

Words of wisdom

As we celebrate Christmas, with proper respect for those of other faiths or no faiths, it seems worthwhile to acknowledge some hints from Jesus that helped create Votergrams, as recorded in Matthew’s gospel.

Don’t get angry. Sort it out with the other party and move on. Matt 5:23

When someone asks for something give it to them Chapter 5: verse 42

Love your enemies 5:44

Don’t boast about how you helped someone. 6:3

Forgive others who offend you 6:14.

Don’t store up riches for yourself 6:20

Don’t judge others 7:1

Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.7:7

Do for others what you want them to do for you. 7:12 (eg MPs)

Be on your guard against false prophets 7:15.

It is kindness I want. 9:13

Be as cautious as snakes and as gentle as lambs. 10:16

Your words will be used to judge you 12:37

The parable of the sower 13:18 ( Sow seeds of good ideas in parliament and watch them grow into policies.)

At Christmas we see Jesus as a baby. In adulthood he offered some good hints for improving society. Have a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


Australia’s in a mess! Help find a way out.

Australia’s in a mess! Help find a way out.

If it is kindness that is wanted then Christians can make it happen a lot sooner by helping government make the right decisions and find the way out of the mess for everyone, particularly the most vulnerable.

Government depends on you to tell it what you want done!

Our democratic system of government depends on you who are living in the community and know what is needed. You can engage with ALL Members of Parliament and ask them to do what is needed by you and yours.

The Australian Voters Network and Votergrams

Free of party politics and government funding, the Australian Voters Network, and Votergrams are here to help you enjoy the greatest influence and impact, for the least effort.

It is little use just going to government MPs or the local MP. Government MPs obey the party. One local MP has little influence in a parliament of hundreds where the majority view prevails.

Your Votergram’s influence comes from  its strategic wording that goes to each and every Member of Parliament.

Voters in control

One voter with good suggestions, ideas or requests can help guide parliament in the right direction. Inaction by good voters enable bad people to control our society instead.

Parliament is your best  pathway to good government

You gain power and influence for the good of Australia and Australians. Parliament is the only part of government over which voters have any control. We have no control over public servants or bureaucrats, but we control the careers  of MPs.

Begging bowls or Ballot boxes

Making change happen in Australia

Two notable failures feature in today’s media. They are the Close the  Gap campaign and the Australian Legal system. The question is whether to use begging bowls or ballot boxes to effect the change.

The first illustrates how little the Close the Gap campaigners know about what makes democracy tick. They are pleading for governments to give Aboriginal Australians a fair go. Governments and their policies have resulted in the impoverishment of many Aboriginals whose land was stolen families murdered, raped and enslaved, children kidnapped imprisoned and sexually abused, education, housing and healthcare neglected and denied, all to build the pleasant affluent lifestyle that the rest of us enjoy on what was originally Aboriginal land.

Reform Package

There is a package of inter-related reforms required to provide basic safety, harmony and security within Aboriginal families and communities. Most of us would not tolerate less.

In the same media a very senior lawyer was raising the problems with the legal costs associated with court action. His point is that only the super-rich can now afford to pay for their own lawyers as big corporations are now so wealth that they pay lawyers a l fortune  for good legal advice.

The rest of us depend on legal aid.

To deal with a Child Support case somewhat like the Robodebt scandal I referred a family to legal aid. I had already stopped the bank and child support from taking possession of their home and auctioning it off. But Legal Aid refused to take on their case. The senior lawyer writing in the SMH today was indicating that many Aussies are refused legal aid and so must endure injustice. Australia is going backwards in the justice area if these two stories today are any indication. Our justice system needs to be more for everyday Aussies than for the Big Business Billionaires who have priced it out of reach.

Smash the begging bowl and raise the ballot box

Campaigners mistakenly approach government pleading for the essential services like these that have been taken away or denied to our indigenous and other Aussies. That is the begging bowl approach.

I invite all those who honestly believe that all Aussies are entitled to a fair go, fair treatment and fair opportunities to help Aboriginal and less wealthy Aussies get that fair go.

Throw down the begging bowl and smash it to pieces

Put on your Voters Hat and fire up the Votergrams

Put on your VOTER’S HAT and let’s use our persuasive power as voters to make it happen. Our Votergram campaigns of polite persistent political persuasion in the privacy of parliament have encouraged and supported politicians to do great things over the past 38 years and they can accomplish these as well. It takes a bit of time money and effort but so does everything worthwhile.

The impression that these stories and the media in general might give you, is that our politicians don’t care. They care every bit as much as we do, no more and no less! We have parliaments jam-packed with the most powerful people in Australia. Most are extremely helpful when approached properly.  When we show them that we care, they care. When we give them solutions instead of problems, they solve problems.  It is up to us to take the lead. We elect “representatives” not “leaders”. They do what we ask to be done, if we ask for it the right way. Votergrams have helped Aussies to ask in the right way for the past 38 years. The results have been sensational.

Voters Rule!

If you care enough to help, please email me, greg@voters.au and let us work together to get things moving in the right direction in the next 3 years. By New Year’s Eve 2027 we want a real change in these two issues of fairness and justice. Only with your help can it be achieved, because in democracy “Voters Rule”. It is worth repeating – In democracy Voters Rule!


The Votergram Revelation


Government bureaucrats, public servants and contractors are paid and resourced by your taxes to deliver good, honest and fair government services and infrastructure for your money.


We elect MPs to Parliament and once elected Parliament is there to direct the bureaucrats, public servants and contractors to deliver those services and infrastructure that you need and want.

But in order to deliver to you and yours, the services you need and want, each Parliamentarian needs to know from you personally what you want and understand why. . Nobody can speak on your behalf to tell them, for they would not know whether that person had your authority or agreement. You must personally tell them if you want it done! You can easily and cheaply do that by Votergram. It is like sowing seeds of ideas in Parliament and works just like the parable of the sower.

By majority decision the parliament will generally do what is wanted by most people who give good honest reasons.

You and other voters

The careers of Members of Parliament and political parties depend on the votes of you and other voters. Every few years you can re-elect or replace them. That particularly applies when you vote in a marginal electorate or influence the votes of voters in a marginal electorate.

If you and those who think like you do not tell every MP what you want there are two outcomes:

1 The Parliament will not know what you want and will instead listen to what other  voters  like big business  executives and rich political donors, ask for.

2 You will not be supporting your local MP who might speak in Parliament after meeting with you to seek the very things you need and want. If you have asked your local MP to raise something and you have also asked every other MP, then your local MP is far more likely to be supported by other MPs.

Credit for the result

This way the Members of Parliament can justly receive the credit for achieving what you have asked for and explained. MPs deserve that reward to counter the constant media criticism that they have to endure. If you then send a “Thank You” Votergram they are sure to give you top priority next time you want something

It is a far nicer way of achieving your goal than protesting publicly and making the MPs look stupid, for they may do what you want but next time they may well resent you for humiliating them and may ignore you.

Greg Bloomfield,
The Votergram Man

Time to tackle taxes

Concerned about the Cost of Living Crisis; skyrocketing home mortgages; interest rates?

You can persuade politicians to guide government to tax the highest earning  taxpayers more highly than lower earning taxpayers.

For decades Australians have joined Voters and  used Votergrams  to persuade politicians and guide government to do what the voters want.

Individual taxpayers pay 32.5% on every dollar over $45,000; 37% over $120,000; 45% over $180,000 plus 10% GST.

Big public company taxpayers pay a flat  25% on multi-billion dollar earnings and get their GST back

Voters control political careers.

Voters and Votergrams enable you to persuade politicians to  do what is fair to you!

Those who remain silent cannot be heard so suffer neglect in silence.

Votergram Voice for all Australians

New voice will not affect Votergram Voices

There has been heavy publicity about the Indigenous Voice and whether it might disadvantage other Australians. I don’t think that will happen at all. Thousands of Australians have used their existing Votergram Voice for nearly 40 years to influence society outcomes and sort out personal problems.  Above is a picture of the hard copy Votergrams of the 1990’s.

Long after my family had invented Votergrams as a way for “Australians to obtain a fair go at the hands of uncaring governments”, I began to understand how democracy works. I learned that it was quite different to what I had previously thought. Parliamentarians do care, but they are not psychic. They need to be told by the individual voters who want something. Votergrams, when launched were an instant success.

How democracy works
Monarchy or dictatorship gives most power and wealth to the monarch or dictator. With the exception of our recent monarchs, most monarchs have had absolute power over citizens. Dictatorships still do. Dictators and monarchs accumulate vast continuing wealth and superb properties and castles for themselves living a life of luxury with many staff to serve them.

Democracy on the other hand seeks to share wealth and pleasure around the people. Never believe the negative garbage wrongly attributed to Winston Churchill about democracy. It is a fabulous system for everyday Australians.  Until very recently we in Australia were a fairly harmonious society with a few notable wealthy exceptions. Today corporate millionaires freely exploit their employees and customers to make multi-billion dollar corporate profits and pay multi-million dollar salaries to themselves, while some of their staff and customers  battle to survive. Foreigners loaded with money are enticed into Australia to out-bid young Australians for homes, turning developers into billionaires and  young Aussies into lifetime renters in their own country, perpetuating their long-term poverty.

Understanding and acting
So why does that happen in our democracy that promises so much? It happens because the vast majority of people living in democracies do not have any idea of the latent power they have and how much it could improve their lives. For that reasons the vast majority of Australians do not do the simple things required to change  and enrich their lives. Those who come to Votergrams soon learn how to do it and they reap the just rewards. In addition, a very small group of very wealthy, aggressive and greedy people know how to make democracy work for them too. These people make it deliver them vast wealth at the expense of the rest of the population. In democracy one gets out of it pretty much what one puts in. Most people put in very little in terms of communicating with their elected parliaments and so get out very little.

Our democratic society is largely controlled by Government. Government is largely controlled by Parliament. Parliament is largely controlled by Voters. Members of Parliament are the only members of the government structure over whom voters have any direct influence. Their careers depend on voters.

But here is the secret
Voters who always vote for the same party regardless of whether or not it does what they want, lose their Voice and influence.

  1. Only individual voters have votes in federal or state elections. An organisation representing 10,000 voters does not get a vote and nor does it mostly influence how its members vote. 10,000 voters have huge political influence, though one may naively think otherwise.
  2. To exercise the power and influence of a voter they must communicate with each and every Member of Parliament. Votergrams make that simple.
  3. They must then politely and persistently persuade the politicians of the benefits of what they want and its full justification. At Votergrams we can help them do that.
  4. To leverage the power and influence that a vote gives to an individual voter, that voter may have to do something else. They may have to use their own voice to gain the support of other voters and in highly exceptional circumstances need to win the support of voters in a marginal electorate.
  5. In short, each voter wanting government to work for them must use their Votergram Voice to “speak quietly and carry a big stick”.

Silent majority can never be heard
But contrary to popular opinion, politicians are extremely helpful to voters with good ideas. Why not? They cannot know the needs of every community or family in the country. They need to be told and they all need to be told nicely. That is how democracy works. It is foolish in the extreme to be offensive to the very people who can solve the problem. Protest is so much last century.  The silent majority are silent by choice. By definition they can never be heard. Ask and you will receive is the applicable message for those who want change, but they must ask in the right way.

Over 30 years ago I ran a Votergram Voice campaign for the Pharmacy industry which was having trouble surviving. Members of Parliament kindly responded with three-year Community Pharmacy Agreements giving the industry $1.5 billion of taxpayer support a year. So far pharmacists have received about $50 billion of taxpayer support through that voice. They seem to be currently confronting the very MPs who have been so generous to them in the past. That is the wrong use of their voices as voters. An attempt at brutal bullying of our representatives.

An effective Voice for those who want it
The voice for every Australian who wants it is the Votergram Voice and it will always be effective for those who use it as I have outlined. It does not depend on government funding so cannot be muzzled.  But the voter sending a Votergram must work hard to persuade the MPs that what is sought is good and fair. Politicians are very much aware of the challenge they face in representing 17 million voters, 26 million people, many of whom have totally different views on any given topic. MPs cannot possibly please all of 17 million voters all of the time. What is good for Australia or good for a voter in need, is what wins their support. We are fortunate to have such people representing us in  Parliament in what has become a largely thankless task. Next time they do what you want, think about thanking them. I wonder how many pharmacists have thanked the parliament for their $1.5 billion of annual support for the past 30 years. School children receiving air conditioning and assembly areas through their Votergram Voices certainly have.

There are plenty of peak bodies lobbying government, but those whose members speak for themselves as well by Votergram, are the ones who win most easily.

Votergrams – your “Voters Voice”

Hoping does not help!

How can you get a fair go from government? You compete with Big Business leaders paying $10,000 for a meal  with politicians and donating thousands to political parties. Does the government really not care about you? It is not going to just happen because you hope it will.

Parliament holds the power!

The government barely knows you exist, let alone what you want, unless someone tells it. Parliament is the only part of government over which you, as a voter, have control. Politicians need to know what you want. But you must tell all MPs to reach the ones who will help you. They will tell the executive government. Parliament controls it!

Have your say the Votergram way!

The easiest way to have your say to parliament is the Votergram way. The  highly trusted and successful Votergram service has run since late last century. It gives each Australian voter instant access to all of the most powerful people in the country, their politicians.  Politicians, the Members of Parliament (MPs) do work for the people when approached by Votergrams. Politicians are keen to help because their careers depend on the votes of people like you. By gently guiding government, Votergrams are far more subtle and strategically successful than public protest which tends to build confrontation on both sides.

Votergrams are an incredibly cheap way for a person to get good housing, health care, education, aged care or pay packet. It is true “You don’t have to suffer in silence”. But democracy is a voter-driven form of government. The more voters working with you to drive it in the right direction, the more it will do what you want. That is where Voters Network gives voters more power than the Big Business people paying $10,000 to have a meal with a politician and to donating to a political party.