Corona Virus Calls for Christian Compassion and influence

Check out the FairGO Voterlobby website blog for 10 Handy hints for handling the corona crisis.

Christians have always taken a prime role in care of those who are ill.

But there is another way that Christians can put their faith into practice in this crisis. That is to share their Christian solutions with all Members of Parliament , state, territory or federal. They will set the path for the nation.

Australia is fortunate enough to have a Christian Prime Minister and a good few Christian politicians. But there are a good many politicians who would reject Christian teachings.

This is a time to:

Let your light shine by sending your good ideas to all Members of Parliament so they can consider and use them. Votergrams, inspired by the parable of the sower can help you do that in the most effective and economical way.
When you sow good ideas in parliament you become like the yeast in the bread.
Put serving God ahead of serving money particularly in the form of wages or profits.
Care for the sick
Go the extra mile
Look after those who have lost jobs or business income.
Love your neighbour, particularly if you can see that they are in trouble. People will not always tell you so it is a case of keeping an eye out and taking the chance to chat whenever that arises. ( without getting too close).
Resisting the urge to judge when the full circumstances may not be known.
Ask for assistance when you need it.
Avoid anger when under pressure
Extend kindness to everyone you meet because it is hard to know what pressures they may be under.
Remember the underlying concerns of young children and teenagers at school and youths at university or Tafe who may feel powerless to deal with the circumstances in which they find themselves.

Pray that God will give you the wisdom to know what to do, the courage to share it with those in power and the energy to work hard to achieve it.

Bring your Christian influence to bear on the decision-makers in our society. That is one of the roles of a Christian today that is different to the circumstances in which Jesus lived- under Roman occupation. Your governments work for you – if you make them!



Christ’s teachings prepare people for powerful political persuasion

Consider this one:- “ Ask and you  will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.”

It has a logic of its own for many circumstances, for if you do not ask you will often not receive. If you do not seek you will rarely find. If you do not knock nobody will know to let you in.

This applies perfectly to governments in democracies. Many people are critical of politicians for being out of touch. Yet in Australia each Member of Parliament represents about 100,000 people. In the USA each Congressman represents about 600,000 people. It is obviously easier for the people to get in touch with their Parliamentarians and Congressmen than for the Parliamentarians and Congressmen to get in touch with each constituent.

If we do not ask our elected representatives to have government do what we want done, then it is extremely unlikely that they will do it. However, we have found that when people ask the politicians in the right way to do something that is good, enough will generally do it to influence government to act as is wanted.

Likewise, if we do not ask our elected representatives to help us seek ways to achieve some personal or national goals for government, we are not likely to find them by stumbling over them. If we use the power of our elected representatives to seek solutions that deliver the sort of lives that would be better for us, our communities and our nation, the MPs or Congressmen will probably help us find a way to do it.

Unless we metaphorically knock on their doors they will not even know that we exist and so will not join in dialogue with us on what should be done.

Over time we will let you know the best way to go about influencing governments to govern in a loving , caring, Christian way, for the benefit of the vast majority of people.

We don’t suggest that Christians have more or better solutions than others, but many of them do sense an obligation to make the world a better place, as do many non-Christians. Our aim is to share thoughts about how Christian teaching can improve a democratically governed country. We will be happy to hear your thoughts along those lines and post them if they sound interesting

The political power of loving, caring, Christianity.

This is a site for those who put the wellbeing of others on a par with or before their own well being and are prepared to bring a Christian influence to bear on governments in a way that benefits the vast majority.

It is not for holier-than-thou judgement on others, but for loving our family, friends and neighbours as ourselves, along with the hardest challenge of all, loving our enemies.

There is an answer to our prayers for our community, country and world – Power for Christians themselves to influence our democratic government decisions by working with all politicians, free of party-political bias. We can give you that power.

If you have ideas consistent with these we will be happy to give them space.