The Votergram Revelation


Government bureaucrats, public servants and contractors are paid and resourced by your taxes to deliver good, honest and fair government services and infrastructure for your money.


We elect MPs to Parliament and once elected Parliament is there to direct the bureaucrats, public servants and contractors to deliver those services and infrastructure that you need and want.

But in order to deliver to you and yours, the services you need and want, each Parliamentarian needs to know from you personally what you want and understand why. . Nobody can speak on your behalf to tell them, for they would not know whether that person had your authority or agreement. You must personally tell them if you want it done! You can easily and cheaply do that by Votergram. It is like sowing seeds of ideas in Parliament and works just like the parable of the sower.

By majority decision the parliament will generally do what is wanted by most people who give good honest reasons.

You and other voters

The careers of Members of Parliament and political parties depend on the votes of you and other voters. Every few years you can re-elect or replace them. That particularly applies when you vote in a marginal electorate or influence the votes of voters in a marginal electorate.

If you and those who think like you do not tell every MP what you want there are two outcomes:

1 The Parliament will not know what you want and will instead listen to what other  voters  like big business  executives and rich political donors, ask for.

2 You will not be supporting your local MP who might speak in Parliament after meeting with you to seek the very things you need and want. If you have asked your local MP to raise something and you have also asked every other MP, then your local MP is far more likely to be supported by other MPs.

Credit for the result

This way the Members of Parliament can justly receive the credit for achieving what you have asked for and explained. MPs deserve that reward to counter the constant media criticism that they have to endure. If you then send a “Thank You” Votergram they are sure to give you top priority next time you want something

It is a far nicer way of achieving your goal than protesting publicly and making the MPs look stupid, for they may do what you want but next time they may well resent you for humiliating them and may ignore you.

Greg Bloomfield,
The Votergram Man

Time to tackle taxes

Concerned about the Cost of Living Crisis; skyrocketing home mortgages; interest rates?

You can persuade politicians to guide government to tax the highest earning  taxpayers more highly than lower earning taxpayers.

For decades Australians have joined Voters and  used Votergrams  to persuade politicians and guide government to do what the voters want.

Individual taxpayers pay 32.5% on every dollar over $45,000; 37% over $120,000; 45% over $180,000 plus 10% GST.

Big public company taxpayers pay a flat  25% on multi-billion dollar earnings and get their GST back

Voters control political careers.

Voters and Votergrams enable you to persuade politicians to  do what is fair to you!

Those who remain silent cannot be heard so suffer neglect in silence.

Demonstrate in the nicest of ways, what you want done.

Educate your elected representatives about your needs.

Millions  want different things. Government can’t please all, but can please you.

One poor person has the same voting power  as one rich person.

Convincing politicians is a game changer for individual voters .

Remember that MPs are your  “Representatives”, not your leaders.

Aim for government Action. It mostly prefers to talk, discuss, confer and defer.

Challenging the status quo requires strategic thinking and communication.

Representation works on numbers. Majority, not fairness or justice, rules.

You can move metaphorical mountains the Votergram way if it is WJWD .