Words of wisdom

Words of wisdom

As we celebrate Christmas, with proper respect for those of other faiths or no faiths, it seems worthwhile to acknowledge some hints from Jesus that helped create Votergrams, as recorded in Matthew’s gospel.

Don’t get angry. Sort it out with the other party and move on. Matt 5:23

When someone asks for something give it to them Chapter 5: verse 42

Love your enemies 5:44

Don’t boast about how you helped someone. 6:3

Forgive others who offend you 6:14.

Don’t store up riches for yourself 6:20

Don’t judge others 7:1

Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.7:7

Do for others what you want them to do for you. 7:12 (eg MPs)

Be on your guard against false prophets 7:15.

It is kindness I want. 9:13

Be as cautious as snakes and as gentle as lambs. 10:16

Your words will be used to judge you 12:37

The parable of the sower 13:18 ( Sow seeds of good ideas in parliament and watch them grow into policies.)

At Christmas we see Jesus as a baby. In adulthood he offered some good hints for improving society. Have a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


The Borrower becomes the lender’s slave – Proverbs

Borrowers ripped off by Billionaire Bankers

Banks knew interest rates would rise. Borrowers did not.

Thousands stand to lose their homes, deposits, repayments, businesses or farms. Banks will patiently wait until they trip up then pounce. Banks collect interest in all those years as they wait. Borrowers slave on to make mainly interest payments.

There are many bank debt solutions for borrowers . If you or someone you know is threatened with foreclosure, or under pressure by the bank, contact us at FairGO  or GBAC for a FREE chat.

We will not be stopped from helping home buyers by the federal Debt Management Services regulation designed to protect dishonest banks from our forensic investigation into their home loan practices.

Banks are earning billions and can afford to stand by customers when  things get tough. They just don’t care!  “Loving your neighbour” or “Good Samaritan the exception rather than the rule.

Bank debt solutions the “Good Samaritan ” gesture

We will help borrowers out within that cruel regulation by the Australian Federal Parliament, as we have done for borrowers all over Australia since federal politicians first de-regulated banks in the late 1980’s, allowing them to rip off customers as the  Royal Commission discovered.

Banks think that their big political donations protect them, but through our GBAC and Votergram services, we have provided Australian voters with more power and influence than voters have in any other democracy in the world. As Normie says “You don’t have to suffer in silence”.