Seeing that others are treated as you would like to be

Christ was born before big government and wide community education. Do Christians have a responsibility to use the influence to improve the treatment of others in their society? If these matter interest you, join Voters Network and have your say in a more effective way.

Should Australians be allowed to use their earnings to buy a home, which is the best form of superannuation imaginable? Or should they be forced by the MPs they have elected, to put it into super to further enrich the multi-millionaire moneylenders?

Renters are shown to suffer most in recession. Their own roof over their head is gold.

What would you think of government selling affordable/social housing to poorer people interest-free over 50 years so a couple of generations can pay it off, rather than renting it to them for “dead money”?

Should the government force high density housing in your suburb for immigrants or develop regional Australia before more immigrants arrive to spread population density for all residents.

Should “for-profit” educators be able to qualify foreign trades students who have never spent even a month working on the job?

Should the NSW Premier control the Greater Sydney Planning Commission and what should it do?

Politicians and bureaucrats, like the rest of us, generally think of themselves first and they don’t necessarily even know your problem, let alone the solution to it. Good government depends on you politely telling every MP about your problems and solutions.

Voters Network is the free and party-politics-free, source of information about how to improve your life and society by making the most of democracy. Join up now and tell us what you want done.

If you want to campaign seriously for something, contact the FairGO Voterlobby . It is your best solution.


6 thoughts on “Seeing that others are treated as you would like to be”

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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