Learning at Christmas to benefit from Christ’s messages

Christmas is a Christian holiday so let’s see what we can learn from it that helps us build a better society the FairGO and Voters Network way. Christians can have an amazing influence on society that way.

We are celebrating the birth of a child. The child grew up and taught some interesting lessons.

Treat others the way you would like to be treated

So send your federal and state (territory) MPs a personal note thanking them for all their work, wising them a happy Christmas and a productive and satisfying New Year.

Love your enemy

Do that regardless of whether you voted for or like the party in power, or not. Do what will bring MPs onside with you regardless of their party. That is how to influence government.

Ask and you will receive

If you want government to do anything, you need to ask ALL of the MPs in that parliament, because they all have a say and the majority opinion carries a lot of weight. You want a majority to  back you.

Faith can move mountains

Most of the time when I tell people that I help Australians get government doing what they want done, people respond with a comment like “I bet that does not happen” Or “As if…”

Years ago I would have said the same because I was so cross that government had treated me and my community like dirt. But as the Americans might say “I didn’t get angry. I got even.” I developed a system so that they would never treat me like that again. They never have. Wouldn’t dare, but don’t want to. They want to help me and I want to help them. They want to help you too.

Once you settle into Voters Network, use FairGO and Votergrams, you will find that you have faith in your ability to influence government and you will do it whenever you have a good idea.

Have a Happy Christmas and a most enjoyable New Year working with, not against, the government you elect and pay to serve you.

Seeing that others are treated as you would like to be

Christ was born before big government and wide community education. Do Christians have a responsibility to use the influence to improve the treatment of others in their society? If these matter interest you, join Voters Network and have your say in a more effective way.

Should Australians be allowed to use their earnings to buy a home, which is the best form of superannuation imaginable? Or should they be forced by the MPs they have elected, to put it into super to further enrich the multi-millionaire moneylenders?

Renters are shown to suffer most in recession. Their own roof over their head is gold.

What would you think of government selling affordable/social housing to poorer people interest-free over 50 years so a couple of generations can pay it off, rather than renting it to them for “dead money”?

Should the government force high density housing in your suburb for immigrants or develop regional Australia before more immigrants arrive to spread population density for all residents.

Should “for-profit” educators be able to qualify foreign trades students who have never spent even a month working on the job?

Should the NSW Premier control the Greater Sydney Planning Commission and what should it do?

Politicians and bureaucrats, like the rest of us, generally think of themselves first and they don’t necessarily even know your problem, let alone the solution to it. Good government depends on you politely telling every MP about your problems and solutions.

Voters Network is the free and party-politics-free, source of information about how to improve your life and society by making the most of democracy. Join up now and tell us what you want done.

If you want to campaign seriously for something, contact the FairGO Voterlobby . It is your best solution.


Using our God-given power and influence

Prayer is powerful when we understand its purpose as well.

However, I sometimes think we reply too much on asking God to do what we could well do ourselves using this superb system of government that we enjoy.

I think it was God who led me from my comfortable Chartered Accountancy practice into discovering how democracy really worked and showing other people how to make it work for them.

FairGO and Voters Network have spent 30+ years developing secret strategies that enable every Australian voter to exert power and influence over their society and over matters that affect their own lives. It takes a little time, effort and money, like everything worthwhile.

To persuade voters to elect them in the 2019 election, each member of Federal Parliament spent on average $350,000. It costs money to gain power ! Most people want a good return on that sort of spending.

If you put in $50 plus 30 minutes a month to Voters Network you could exert amazing power and influence and enjoy a far better society and life. If every Voters Network member put in $20 plus 30 minutes a month you could probably all do the same.

If you want someone else to handle it all for you and others like you, FairGO is an expert at that.

Power and influence are yours for the taking. Many have done just that over the past 34 years and achieved exactly what they wanted, both on personal and national level.

When I started I “knew” that politicians did not care what voters wanted and just primarily worked for the people who funded them into office. Now I know that politicians DO want to help voters even more than they want to help those who fund them into office. BUT voters mostly don’t tell them what they want done, don’t build relationships with their MPs, don’t even know that is how to get power and influence because that is how democracy works.

When I started my understanding was wrong and in 34 years I have learned how to enjoy amazing power and influence for the benefit primarily of others.

In those 34 years politicians too have changed. Once voters started approaching them in the right way through FairGO, they discovered that they could help people just like they had always wanted to do, because we gave them new opportunities to do that.

So we have all learned and gained a better understanding of how we can share power for our mutual benefit. It was a handful of Christians who first used FairGO’s Votergram service way back in the later 1980’s or early 1990’s to have smoking banned on commercial airlines. It was a world first and has helped spread the concept far and wide. It was the use of the power that resides in all of us here in this wide brown land. We should thank God for that and work to continually update and improve it.

To Protest or to persuade


Protesting is demeaning for protesters – they have to beg their own government to change

Protesting is like a battle that is contact free – a battle of words

Protesters photo courtesy of The Australian

It is a fight  with a winner and a loser

Its basis is strength to make the government do what is wanted

It takes on the government when both sides know that the advantage lies completely with the government

If the government does what protesters want it looks beaten – like a loser


Persuasion is gentle and private – in parliamentary inboxes

It is based partly on logical arguments

When it is done by voters it carries a much more important message that the government might lose votes

That is particularly so if the voter cares enough to pay to send Votergrams

Votes are much more important to politicians than the logic of any issue

That voting power of political persuasion can be exercised by a voter going into a marginal electorate and upsetting the status quo

With persuasion, the politicians look like winners if they do what is wanted, so it is more appealing to them

 Teachings of Christ

“Do to others as you would like others to do to you”. Christ’s message is as important when influencing politicians to improve society as in every other aspect of life.  Voters Network and FairGO are based on many principles of Christian teaching whilst by no means being limited to Christians

4 out of 5 Australians agree that financial abuse is a widespread problem in Australia

The biggest offenders are the major Australian banks themselves, as the Royal Commission discovered. Customers have been cheated on a grand scale and much of the cheating relates to loans.

When I saw how banks treated customers once they were deregulated I knew that my Christian responsibility was to do what I could to help those customers. The lesson of the Good Samaritan was clear. I was running my Chartered Accountancy practice with business and farm clients around Australia but decided right then to focus on helping borrowers in trouble with banks.

How do small business or farm owners get millions of dollars written off their overdue bank debts; save their assets from foreclosure?

They hire GBAC, my firm that has specialized in bank debt write-offs ever since that bank deregulation in 1987.

Check out GBAC now. I will be happy to help you in any way I can. Be Prepared for the end of debt deferral when it comes. Don’t wait ‘til it’s too late!

Love your neighbour

You may not stumble across a traveler beaten by thieves as you drive to the city, so who are the neighbours Christ taught us to help?the good samaritan

They include those people, predominantly but not exclusively women and children, being brutally beaten and abused in their homes by a family member who at some time loved them; the students unable to get enough good education to take them into rewarding careers; the elderly people neglected and invisible in homes or aged care facilities.

The Good Samaritan found an inn keeper and paid for the beaten man’s care. The Samaritan gave time, effort and money as the token of love for this stranger. The way we behave on Earth determines our life in heaven.

FairGO offers every Christian a practical and powerful way to love their neighbours in need and to provide them with the care they need. The best body to help the victims of domestic and family violence, students in poverty and our elderly people, is government. Government is controlled by Parliament and parliament is made up of people we elect to represent us. While you can help one or two, perhaps a dozen people personally, Christians by leveraging their effort through government have been able to help hundreds or even thousands.

God has given us two very effective ways to influence our Members of Parliament to guide government, to do what is required by those most in need.

The ultra cheap Votergram service, run  by dedicated Christians, combines diplomacy, psychology and strategy to help every Australian Christian bring government support to those who most need it. Votergrams have enabled Christians to change and save many lives.

Voters Network Australia educates voters on how to persuade politicians in order to guide government to operate in a Christian way. While we have a Christian PM is a good time to act rather than hiding our good ideas from the decision-makers under a cloud of modesty.

If you have a burning desire to do what Jesus taught, email me, Greg at FairGO and find out how you can follow Christ’s teaching by pouring out Christian love on those most in need. You will be able to arrange care for them by the bodies with the greatest resources in Australia, our governments.

It does not necessarily mean government spending vast amounts of money. What it involves is a little bit more help or “love” for those who need it. FairGO gives you the best opportunity in Australia to become a “Good Australian” and help your neighbours in need.

Next time I will explain how you can move metaphorical mountains when you follow Christ’s teachings.

Of course Black Lives Matter!

Of course black lives matter just as much as any other lives matter. It is a question of whether they matter to you enough to do something about it that actually costs you time, effort and money. If it doesn’t then those lives will remain at risk.

But if they matter enough for you to act to prevent their loss that will happen.

Government actions match the will of the people. If you live in Australia you have superbly responsive politicians who understand that their careers depend on doing what the people want done. Their problem is that the people do not often tell them. If they do, it is often with noisy and threatening street demonstrations which make the politicians look stupid, neglectful and weak.

That is not the most effective way to treat the very people you need on side to make the changes you want.

There are two other ways Australians can influence what society does in a quiet, diplomatic and encouraging way rather than in a threatening way, though the threat of being voted out remains the same. Although, the people who demonstrate are more often people who did not vote for the party in power and so their demonstration does not threaten the loss of so many votes.

  1. Join Voters Network which is in the process of establishing a taskforce on  A Fair Go for Black Australians. The taskforce will determine what the major challenges to be faced are; what the best solutions from the viewpoint of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are ; and campaign in parliaments to have the solutions adopted. It will take some work so we need as many people to share the load as possible. No point depending on government to do it because government needs to be driven by the voters who pay and elect it. http://www.voters.network
  2. To express your views right now as to what the government should do, contact FairGO and ask to send a Votergram to each one of the 225 Federal MPs and each one of your state MPs offering your solution. You will be given a special discount as this is a matter of national importance. If as a Christian you prefer to pay the full price then you will help FairGO to continue giving every Australian, young, old, black, white or any other colour, specifically including the Aboriginal community, a very effective voice to parliament which has operated for over 30 years. We just don’t make a big fuss about it. http://www.fairgo.org .

None of us are so busy that we cannot spare the time to do what Jesus told us to do. Aboriginals are in trouble and this is when the story of The Good Samaritan prompts us to act, for what we do not do will be used to assess us as well as what we do do.  Join in. We need your help to make Christian principles serve Australia well.


Loving our enemies and working together is better than squabbling with them

“Squabbling politicians must stop and start governing” says a letter to SMH 8/5/20. Really?

Squabbling is part of the political power play. They used to kill each other to rule and still do elsewhere. The new Australian Voters Network helps voters join the power play to their advantage by working with those whose political views are different, embracing what Jesus taught as recorded in Matt 5:43 -.

Politicians care about voters, but first and foremost they care about themselves and their parties.

The Australian Voters Network helps Christian voters and others shape their own and national futures. Currently the main power players are politicians, political parties, big business, and media. All compete for our taxes, resources and future. Look at sport grants, government contracts, dry rivers, climate change and tax evasion.

The letter criticises their “preoccupations with factional infighting, back-stabbing and irreconcilable differences”. That is how individual politicians increase their power. Each strives to eliminate rivals. By strength of numbers, experience, strategies and training, Voters Network enables voters to force politicians to focus on their main role of representing the voters’ interests in parliament. Voter disinterest creates a huge vacuum into which self interest, neglect, inability and corruption creep.

The letter says “they set a poor example”. They actually set a very clear example of how power politics works. From 30+ years of watching and analysing that example, Voters Network knows how voters can use that behaviour to exert influence for good government. When voters set the example of working together, politicians happily follow because it is their path to success at the ballot box.

Australian Voters Network was formed to rectify the problems of which the letter complains and it has been amazingly successful. Nobody corrects their teenagers via the media and it does not work with politicians either. The network gives voters easy access directly to every politician in Australia.

By party neutral networking, Australian voters can enjoy the very best governments in the world. Sports stars are judged on performance in the game and politicians should be judged on their performance at representing voters’ views in parliament. Sports stars play best when facing worthy opponents. Networking turns powerless individual voters into a powerful, informed and cohesive force receiving satisfaction from politicians in return for their votes and taxes.

The letter suggested that politicians are, by standing for office “pledging, from different political viewpoints to work harmoniously for the good of the state or country.” When a politician says the words “I pledge” so and so, that is a pledge. Nothing else is. Voters Network is the first national, party-neutral organisation to enable all voters to work harmoniously for the good of themselves, the state and country. When voters do that, politicians soon follow. It is the obvious way to win votes. It seems like practical Christianity to me.

Democracy is a power game in which numbers and knowledge give people more power. Voters Network gives previously powerless voters the opportunity to gain almost unimaginable power through strength of numbers, knowledge and support. The network gives its members the power. It does not use members to gain power for itself.

That is what is unique about the Australian Voters Network, apart from 30+ years of successes on which it has been built. It is not just for Christians but it is based on a good measure of Christ’s teachings about how to work with others. In particular  the parable of the sower and the story of the woman banging on the judges door have guided its strategies.

Best Debt Negotiator for Borrowers

Jesus told us that we could not “serve God and money” and Solomon told us that “The borrower becomes the lender’s slave”. These two warnings sometimes prompt Christians to give less careful attention to money matters than others in the more material world. That can lead them to fall prey to unscrupulous moneylenders like those Jesus upset in the temple.

As a very committed Christian I set about helping borrowers when bank lending was deregulated in about 1987.

A debt negotiator’s claim in Sydney Morning Herald on May 1, to be 1st in Australia (in 2001) is false. GBAC & Moneygrams began negotiating on bank loan applications and write-offs in 1987. Last year one major bank wrote off 100% of a large mortgage loan for a GBAC client. They have arranged debt write offs, better loans and re-finance in every state and territory in Australia for 30+ years.

Nobody has the same negotiating tools, experience or solutions as GBAC backed by FairGO and the Australian Voters Network does. They don’t do this to earn a living. They do it because They care deeply that Australians are treated fairly by their governments and their financial institutions.

Most borrowers simply do not have the time or skills to do this negotiating and few negotiators care enough to put their customers first before their own fees. GBAC negotiate very hard with the banks to get a good deal for borrowers. They would not have been attracting debt laden borrowers for over 30 years if they could not do the job well.

But it also pays to borrow well in the first place and without professional assistance that is almost impossible. Then management of your loan is very important throughout its term. This is where many borrowers, particularly businesses and farms, come unstuck. It is not expensive to do, but is great protection against foreclosure.

let me know if I can help you. There is n need to suffer in silence or to lose your home, business or farm.

Add a little bit more Salt and Light to Australian society

Salt & light   Matt 5: 13 & 16

“You are the salt for all mankind” “You are like light for the whole world.” That is what Jesus taught.

By joining the Australian Voters Network (free) with Christians and non-Christians alike, you can discuss what can be improved then persuade politicians to do it. You can play a part in guiding government into building a nation where all Australians live fulfilling lives. You can be the Salt & Light for Australia!

You know what Jesus would want us to do for our Australian neighbours. The Samaritan did it. By influencing government, you can do it too.

Inspired by Christ’s teachings I have been able to give Australians the tools to literally “change the world”, at least our bit of it. The Votergrams I invented give you huge leverage. You don’t need party politics, just a desire to love God and love your neighbour as yourself. That implies fairness for us all. That is why I set up the FairGO Voterlobby. Governments do what they are persuaded to do. They don’t just think it up. Fairness is not the same as equality. We all have different talents & want different things.

Dip your toes in the water by joining www.voters.network . It is about what you want done. Your ideas are vital to good government. That is the hidden message of democracy.